Friday, October 30, 2020

 Sunday, November 1

Hi, kids!    This week we are looking at Jesus' story about seeds and good soil, called The Parable of the Sower.   In our lives, the SEEDS are JESUS' TEACHING or The Bible.    The GOOD SOIL is OUR HEARTS.    We can grow Jesus' love in our hearts and pass it on.   Have a look at this video, and learn how to be good soil!

And enjoy the song and sing about being good soil!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 Sunday, October 25!

Today we hear the story of Jesus Healing the Two Blind Men on page 300 of the Sparks Story Bible.  This happened while Jesus was walking from Jericho to Jerusalem. He had over 15 miles to walk that day.  Let’s see what happens!  Find your place in the Bible before you start the video.

And here's a wonderful song to sing along with your family!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Sunday, October 18!

We are starting out Sunday School at Zion Lutheran for the younger kids with a video each week.  The kids will need their Sparks Story Bible.  If you don't have one, contact Pastor Eric and he can make sure you get one.  We are on the story of Jesus Blessing the Children, page 328.  Please have that looked up and marked before starting the video.  A packet of materials will also be sent that parents can help their child with.  Instructions will be sent with those materials.  We hope that this will be a blessing to start out this year!

And to go along with the lesson, sing along with Jesus Loves Me with the sign language!  Learn it with your whole family!

  Zion Sunday School February 27!   Hey there kids and parents!  Today we're looking at the E in God's LOVE - and the E stands for e...