Friday, November 20, 2020

 Zion Sunday School November 22!

This Sunday we learn about the Transfiguration.   That's a pretty big word, and it was a big miracle when Jesus' friends saw him shining brighter than the sun.   God's voice came from the cloud to talk about Jesus.   Listen in to see what happened!

And here's a song I know you'll enjoy, so sing along!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Zion Sunday School November 15!

Todays story is found on page 426 of the Sparks Story Bible. It is found in John 6 in the New Testament. The story is about Jesus feeding 5000 people. How did he do that? How does this story help us learn what God wants us to do to help people?  Here's the video:

Here's a song that goes with our lesson for today.  Listen in with your family!

And you received a book in the mail called "One Of Those Days."  Listen to Pastor Eric read the story to you!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

 Zion Sunday School November 8!   

Today we will hear a story (parable) that Jesus told his followers.  You will find the story on page 304 of your Sparks Story Bible.  Please find and mark that page before you listen to the video.  Jesus told stories to his followers and had something he wanted them to learn from it.  Let’s see what that is.

And here's a great video to go with today's lesson:

  Zion Sunday School February 27!   Hey there kids and parents!  Today we're looking at the E in God's LOVE - and the E stands for e...