Thursday, December 17, 2020

 Zion Sunday School December 20!

Today's story is the Christmas Story of Jesus birth. There are a lot of things that happen in this story to talk about, so listen very carefully as the story is read.  It is a JOYFUL story so the song today is Joy To The World!    Pastor Eric has included a recording of him reading the book that you got.  I hope you enjoy him reading it to you.  We hope you have a very Joyful Christmas in your family!

Here's a song to sing along!

You should have received a book with your Sunday School Lesson - God's Very Good Idea!  Get your book and listen along as Pastor Eric reads it to you!

Friday, December 11, 2020

 Zion Sunday School December 13!

Today we hear about an angel from God coming to Mary, saying that she would be Jesus' mother.   That must have been amazing, and maybe even a little scary!   But Mary was a mighty girl, and she loved and trusted God.   Listen in to hear more!

And enjoy the song about the angel who came to Mary!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Zion Sunday School December 6!

Today's story A Child Called Immanuel/Emmanuel is about one of the promises God gave to us through Isaiah to King Ahaz. It is found on page 168 in Sparks Story Bible. Let us see what that promise is and who believed it.

And here's a wonderful song to help out with the lesson to sing about Emmanuel!

  Zion Sunday School February 27!   Hey there kids and parents!  Today we're looking at the E in God's LOVE - and the E stands for e...