Thursday, February 25, 2021

February 28 Zion Sunday School!

Today's story is Noah's Ark and is found on Page 20 of your Sparks Story Bible.  This story is about the world not following God's wishes anymore.  Only Noah and his family still followed God in the whole world.  God asked Noah to build an Ark and put his family and two of each animal in the world on the Ark.  God then flooded the world.  Find out what he sent us to remind us of the promise he made to Noah and us.

And here's a song to sing: The Arky, Arky Song! Enjoy it!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

February 21 Zion Sunday School!

Hi kids - hope you've had a good week! Today we're going to learn more about another mighty girl - her name is Lydia, and she made her home a church. We're also going to learn about Jesus as a special kind of king. Have a listen!

And here's a wonderful song for you to enjoy!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Zion Sunday School February 14!

Today's story is located on page 308 in the Sparks Story Bible. In The Greatest Commandment the Pharisees are asking Jesus a trick question, but Jesus answers their question and asks one of his own.

And here's a song to go with the lesson.  Enjoy!

Friday, February 5, 2021

Zion Sunday School February 7!

Todays story is talking about the letters that Paul wrote in the Bible. He wrote many letters and they are in the New Testament of the Bible. Let's find out some of the places Paul was and what he did. You will need your Starks story Bible and the story is on page 540.

The song today is called Walking with Jesus! Enjoy!

  Zion Sunday School February 27!   Hey there kids and parents!  Today we're looking at the E in God's LOVE - and the E stands for e...