Sunday, March 28, 2021

 Zion Sunday School March 28!

Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week, we will hear the Palm Sunday story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem.  Then many other stories tell us of things that happen this week and we will talk about them through the pictures in our Sparks Story Bibles.  Some of them sound very sad, but in the end, Jesus is showing us that his love for us is SOOOOOOO BIG.

And here's a song you're sure to enjoy!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Zion March 21 Sunday School!

Join us today and hear about Jesus meeting the woman at the well in Samaria. Jesus knew everything about her - the good, the not-so-good - EVERYTHING! And Jesus loved her, like he loves each of you!

Here's a great song for you - Fill My Cup, Lord!

Friday, March 12, 2021

 Zion March 14 Sunday School!

Today's story is found on page 294 of the Sparks Story Bible.  It is the story of Jesus walking on the water to his disciples and the disciples reaction when they saw him.  How did they react?  Who trusted God, but then forgot to trust and then trusted him again?  Listen to the story and find out.

And here's a wonderful song for you to listen to!

You received a book in the mail from Miss Gloria called Catching Thoughts - and Pastor Eric will read it to you here:

Saturday, March 6, 2021

 Zion March 7 Sunday School!

Today's story is about Jonah and the Big Fish.  You can find it on page 190 in the Sparks Story Bible.  God wanted Jonah to do something and Jonah didn't want to do it, so Jonah ended up in trouble.  Let's see what God and Jonah do.

And here's a song about Jonah that you're sure to love!

  Zion Sunday School February 27!   Hey there kids and parents!  Today we're looking at the E in God's LOVE - and the E stands for e...